It really is your decision

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #80 Have you ever held off on making a decision because you wanted to get input from someone you thought would be super insightful? What you may find is that these well meaning friends, colleagues, mentors or neighbors are wrapped up in their own decision making impasses. What feels so important […]

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #79 Thanksgiving 2024 – a year filled with moments of sadness and joy. To make it through the challenges and the successes, I find that gratitude is an essential response. Even when it doesn’t make sense. THIS WEEK’S INSIGHT Finding ways to be thankful – look up, in and around One […]
Are you open to feedback?

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #78 Have you noticed that when you’re growing, creating or moving up the ladder you’re actually eager to get feedback? How is this message coming across? What did you think of the presentation I delivered? How does this color look on the wall? But after you’ve painted the room or published […]
Leaving a job gracefully

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #77 “Finish well.” Those words from a mentor kept running through my head when a job that I really enjoyed came to an end more than ten years ago. It was clear there was nothing I could do to change the minds of leadership, as a path had been paved for […]
Rebounding after a failure

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #75 I had the privilege of raising three sons who played team sports throughout school, college and now in adulthood. Describing them as competitive is an understatement. While each likes to highlight their amazing wins, they also recognize when they’ve literally dropped the ball. One of them gets hurt, or misses […]
What if it’s not personal?
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #74 Does it ever appear like things simply aren’t going your way? · That parking spot you were patiently waiting for got snagged by someone else. · You thought you’d lined up everything for a promotion and you’re passed over. · After preparing for a key presentation, you’re left out of […]
Devastating loss – 7 quotes to support you through the darkness

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #73 This week has been rocked by the tragic loss of a good friend, father, grandfather, uncle, brother. I’m taking a pause to lean on the words of others who have experienced tremendous loss. THIS WEEK’S INSIGHT Devastating loss: 7 quotes to support you through the darkness “We bereaved are […]
Aligning your team for success

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #72 After uprooting and moving to Texas, we embarked on a building project starting from the ground up. Never having participated in this kind of construction adventure, there has been so much to learn! We’ve observed how every step is measured carefully before the next one can begin. Now that the […]
Multitasking and disconnection

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #71 There are days when you might feel like there’s so much to accomplish, you have no choice but to multitask. Sometimes you feel pulled, other times you’re distracted or maybe that shiny new thing is simply too alluring to ignore. Instead of finishing a task that’s due by the end […]
You hit a milestone, then what?

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #70 In a recent conversation a friend shared an enormous milestone she’d accomplished by completing a triathlon for which she’d trained for months. She talked about the best part of the entire event – completing all three elements. She also touched on how she conquered her biggest fear: making it through […]