Lead with curiosity
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #86 With the array of information at your fingertips – have you noticed how challenging it can be to remain curious? Instead of measuring, I can put the equation into an AI bot. Rather than calling a vendor, I read a series of reviews online. If I’m not sure my question […]
What do you look for in a leader?
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #85 From the playground to a team meeting to large event – it doesn’t take long to spot people who lead. It might be the 6-year-old who distributes buckets and shovels with clear instructions on how to create a structure with a moat. The team lead who’s scoped out the obstacles […]
Beginning again
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #84 You’re probably familiar with the idea that doing something over and over while expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Yet how often do we find ourselves repeating behaviors that no longer serve us? Whether in relationships, leading a team or in your professional journey, here are two […]
A rare alignment
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #83 December 25th, 2024 marked the 5th time since 1900 that the first night of Hanukkah and Christmas fell on the same day. To celebrate this rare alignment of the lunar and solar calendars, I offer two poems of hope and light wherever you are today. Subscribe now A Hanukkah Prayer […]
Wrapping up the year
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #82 2024 has been quite a year for everyone I know. Babies, a national election, medical diagnoses, untimely death, relocation, growth, loneliness and bursts of joy. Each person’s response to those events reflects where they are on their journey. I’m inspired and humbled as I observe the challenges colleagues, friends and […]
Finding a better way to get things done
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #81 The holiday season is in full swing, testing the limits you may have set for yourself on a whole host of levels. Head out to any store and there’s a good chance you’ll notice a harried glaze over the faces of most shoppers, mine included. Have you remembered all those […]
It really is your decision
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #80 Have you ever held off on making a decision because you wanted to get input from someone you thought would be super insightful? What you may find is that these well meaning friends, colleagues, mentors or neighbors are wrapped up in their own decision making impasses. What feels so important […]
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #79 Thanksgiving 2024 – a year filled with moments of sadness and joy. To make it through the challenges and the successes, I find that gratitude is an essential response. Even when it doesn’t make sense. THIS WEEK’S INSIGHT Finding ways to be thankful – look up, in and around One […]
Are you open to feedback?
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #78 Have you noticed that when you’re growing, creating or moving up the ladder you’re actually eager to get feedback? How is this message coming across? What did you think of the presentation I delivered? How does this color look on the wall? But after you’ve painted the room or published […]
Leaving a job gracefully
The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #77 “Finish well.” Those words from a mentor kept running through my head when a job that I really enjoyed came to an end more than ten years ago. It was clear there was nothing I could do to change the minds of leadership, as a path had been paved for […]