Beginning again

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #84 You’re probably familiar with the idea that doing something over and over while expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Yet how often do we find ourselves repeating behaviors that no longer serve us? Whether in relationships, leading a team or in your professional journey, here are two […]
When life looks bleak

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #68 Was it the super moon? The start of a new fiscal year? School beginning? A contentious political climate? It seems like a lot of us are on edge in so many spheres of life and work. On these days when you may be trying to broker a deal, be the […]
Your mindset matters

The Coach’s Corner Newsletter #65 In our move to Texas, I discovered you have to get a new driver’s license. To do that you begin with a state inspection, use that inspection to register your car and get license plates and then you’re eligible to head out to a Driver License office to apply for […]